Serves: 1
Cooking time ~15 minutes
A really simple one, this. The only admin involved is drying out your Tofu. Pat it down with plenty of kitchen towel until it's as dry as you can get it.
100g Tofu
½ White Onion
2x Garlic Cloves
Fresh Ginger
2x Small Pak Choi
1x Red Chilli
2tbs Soy Sauce
Sesame Seeds
Caster Sugar, Salt & Black Pepper
Drain and dry your Tofu as much as you can, then chop into cubes.
Slice your Onions into rings, finely chop your Garlic, Chilli and Ginger and set aside.
Trim the Pak Choi, separating the leaves and stems. Chop the stems into matchsticks and then finely chop the leaves.
Get a pan on a high heat with some Vegetable Oil. While it's heating up, toss your Tofu cubes in plenty of Cornflour and Salt.
Add to the pan, frying for several minutes until you get a nice golden crust on every side.
Drain into a bowl and season immediately and generously with Salt, plenty of Pepper and a few teaspoons of Caster Sugar.
Back to the pan - turn the heat down to medium/high and add the Onions. After they've softened in a couple of minutes, add the Garlic, Ginger, Chilli and Pak Choi stems and fry for a couple of minutes.
Add a glug of Soy Sauce and the Pak Choi leaves and fry for another minute or so.
Get the Tofu back in the pan, toss together and go in with another generous amount of Black Pepper.
Season to taste - I like to add a pinch more Sugar here.
Plate up with some Sesame Seeds and another pinch of Pepper!
Enjoy! If you fancy giving it a go, please tag @wellgoodgrub on Instagram.