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  • Writer's pictureHarry Adams

Leek 'Carbonara'

Serves 3

Cooking Time ~45 minutes

This is my take on a classic Jamie Oliver dish. Letting the Leek & Onion sweat down is crucial and you'll be left with the sweetest, creamiest pasta dish.




500g Leeks (4 small ones)

1x White Onion

1x Green Chilli

4x Garlic Cloves

400ml Vegetable Stock (or Chicken/Water)

75g Parmesan (plus extra for serving)

1x Egg + 1x Egg Yolk

Fresh Parsley

400g Dried Pasta (Spaghetti/Tagliatelle)

Black Pepper



Start by finely dicing your Onion and Garlic, washing and slicing your Leeks, and get a pan on the heat with some Butter and Oil.

Add the Leeks, Onion and Garlic to the pan and fry to soften them up for about 3-5 minutes. Once they're softened slightly, add the Stock (I used Chicken Stock last time I made this dish and it's delicious. Vegetable Stock or Water will work just as well). Heavily season with Pepper and a touch of Salt.

Bring to a boil then bring the heat right down, cover the pan with a lid and gently simmer for around 40 minutes. You want the Leek Mixture to take in all that liquid and start to brown a little. After about 30 minutes, add the Green Chilli.

The mixture should look like this:

Get your Pasta on to cook as per packet instructions. After 2 minutes of cooking, reserve about 1 cup of the starchy pasta water and set aside. This is really important as it's what will give you the silky texture at the end.

Grate your 75g of Parmesan and whisk together with your Egg Mixture. It should look like scrambled eggs. Season this heavily with Black Pepper.

Once your Pasta is cooked, and your Leek Mixture is nice and golden, take both pans off the heat. Drain your Pasta and add to the Leek Mixture.

Stir this well so the two are well mixed. You want to give this a couple of minutes off the heat before you add the Eggs, otherwise the Eggs will scramble.

Loosen the Pasta with the Pasta Water, and then stir in the Eggs & Cheese with the Fresh Parsley.

Keep stirring until the mixture is silky and creamy. Plate up and finish with some Parmesan, Parsley and Black Pepper.

Enjoy. If you fancy sharing your effort, then please tag @wellgoodgrub on Instagram.

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