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  • Writer's pictureHarry Adams

Basic Banana Bread

w/ Chocolate Chips

Serves: Mind your own business

Cooking time ~40 minutes (including prep)

This is the easiest recipe of all time. Very quick and very tasty.




140g Flour

140g Sugar

140g Butter

1tsp Baking Powder

2x Eggs

2x Over-ripe Bananas

Dash of Vanilla Extract

1x Chocolate Bar

50g Icing Sugar



Preheat the oven to 180ºc

Cream the Butter and Sugar together. If you need to give the Butter a blast in the microwave then do - it may make it easier to mix.

Once mixed, whisk your Eggs in a separate bowl, and then add to the Butter & Sugar.

Add a touch of the Flour and start to mix together. Once it's started to mix nicely, add the remaining Flour but try to fold it in instead of mixing it in too roughly. Add the Baking Powder and Vanilla Extract. Mash the Bananas to a pulp and fold them in.

Chop the Chocolate into Chips and fold them in too.

Line a baking tin with some Butter (and ideally some Baking Paper). I didn't have Baking Paper so just made sure the whole tin was well lined with Butter.

Spoon the mixture into the tin and pop it in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Check the Banana Bread after about 20 minutes to see how it's getting on. You may need to give it longer than 30 minutes, but if it's browning up too much then just cover it in foil for the remaining cooking time.

You'll be able to tell if it's cooked by inserting a skewer through the middle. If the skewer comes out clean, it's done.

Take the Banana Bread out of the oven and leave it to cool in the tin for 10 minutes.

Transfer to a wire rack for another 10 minutes or so.

Mix 50g Icing Sugar with a teaspoon or two of Water and mix to form a runny icing. Layer this over the Banana Bread and leave to set:

Slice and Serve!

Enjoy. If you fancy sharing your effort, then please tag @wellgoodgrub on Instagram.

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